Mt. Erebus Lets Off a Little Steam

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wow! Freshies!

I saw a longer than usual line at one of the serving centers this noon in the galley.  Why such a line?  Then I realized it was a salad bar!  There were lots of greens (with a little lettuce mixed in), and there were cherry tomatos (a rather pale orange, but tomatos none-the-less).  Sliced cucumbers, and all sorts of toppings.  There was a minor feeding frenzy. Plates were heaped high. We take seriously the words of Jesus, "Don't worry about tomorrow, when there are 'freshies' today" (loose translation). Oh, the simple joys of life!


  1. Just read the balloon entry and this one - it's all so fascinating and the way you communicate it all - you should write a book! Thanks for amazing us all. God bless you and keep you safe! Barb & Gaylan

  2. Don't you love that salad when you can't get it. Happy Greens to you until we meet again

  3. i know the feeling. When we were on the offsites at camp, it was hard to be without fresh fruit for a week. i can't imagine going without for a month, especially after growing up in mom's house with fruit every meal and salad almost every day. :) oh the things we take for granted. hope you enjoyed your salad. love you
