Mt. Erebus Lets Off a Little Steam

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Camp Crud

You can't have over 1,000 people serving out of the same dishes, without having occasional outbreaks of the "crud," even with a huge emphasis on hand-washing.  Between the ultra-dry weather and the almost constant hand washing, I think the skin is about to fall off my hands. I seem to catch the crud about the second week, every time I deploy.  This one is no exception.  At least I have the respiratory kind, and not the gastro-whatever.  So, I haven't been much in the mood to post over the last few days.  I trust you can wait a little longer to hear about my Cape Evans / Scott Hut /Ice Road trip.  I have some good pictures, and may have to do another slide show.
Speaking of 1,000--today we passed 1,000 hits on my blog.  Thanks for your interest.  I appreciate your support and I read all of you messages--though I may not always respond.  When I looked at the picture that I posted of the chapel, I realized that the covers over the opening of the steeple were never removed this spring.  That's going to be done this Friday, so we can play some chimes around Christmas time.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


  1. John,
    I am Pastor Janet Young's husband and have been following your adventures. Thank you for the great blog and I hope you get over the "crud" soon. Winter has arrived here in Hot Springs, MT, three days ago we got down to -12 and have over 6inches of snow on the ground. When I was in the Navy back in the 60's, one of my fellow sailors had spent some time at Antarctica and I have always been interested in it. Once again, I hope you soon get over the crud and thanks for the great blog.
    Charlie Young

  2. Hi Charlie,

    Thanks for the comment. I am over the crud, and feeling pretty decent for the first time in 3 days. I'll post again as soon as I get caught up on some of my work.
