Mt. Erebus Lets Off a Little Steam

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ice Roads and Strange Looking Trucks

I thought I'd share some pictures of the trip to Cape Evans a couple of weeks ago.  We traveled about 15 miles around Ross Island by way of an ice road, which takes about an hour each way.  Speeds are slow.  Even though the ice is still fairly thick, it can be damaged by high speed traffic.

"You guys get into one of the Deltas"

We'll drag the road with the Challenger"

"Here they come"  "They look like something out of Star Wars"

On-coming traffic

"He'll pass on the side"

"There he goes.  The drag is working nicely"

"Stop ahead...Looks like there's something to see"

Mt Erebus is an active volcano

"Hey, check out the ice cave underneath the Erebus glacier!"
"You want me to crawl into what?"
 (It was cool,  but I didn't get any good pictures.)  Let's continue.

"We have to go to the right of that island"
This ice berg didn't quite get away before the winter freeze

"There they are"

It only took us an hour to drive 15 miles to Cape Evans
"It's getting close to 10:00 PM, we'd better start heading home."

"The Challenger's too slow and bumpy.  I'm riding home in one of the Deltas"

1 comment:

  1. conner would rather see you than the vehicles
    he says good night
