Mt. Erebus Lets Off a Little Steam

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chapel Time

Chapel at McMurdo is an interesting mix of civilian and military aviators, scientists and students, trade workers, suppervisors and hired hands.  As Christmas approaches the chapel gets a little busier, as you might expect.  Besides the weekly Bible study, and weekly theological discussion group, there is now a caroling choir.  Peer counselors are trained by the chaplains and advised by medical professionals.  An assortment of groups use the chapel, from Yoga classes, to Alcoholics Anonymous.  Soon there will be a decorating team to "deck the halls."  It's slowly starting to look like Christmas at McMurdo, but not nearly as early as it does back home.  Christmas will bring mixed feelings for us, as we enjoy the warmth and closeness of our community here, and miss our loved ones eight thousand, or so, miles away.

Father Kevin Leads Mass at 9:45

11:00 O'Clock is for the Protestants

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to see the chapel and you all at worship. We and the congregations continue to pray for you, esp. as Christmas gets closer. Blessings for all you do and for you and your family who are apart this year. Barb & Gaylan
