Mt. Erebus Lets Off a Little Steam

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Waste Management

People have been living here at McMurdo, year around, for more than 50 years, and plane loads and shiploads of supplies have been coming in all of that time.  How do we keep from being inundated with trash?  The answer is fairly simple.  We use the rule of the National Forest; "Pack it in--Pack it out."
I visited the "Trash Hut" the other day, where all refuse (including human waste from the base camps) is packed in boxes and prepared for recycling somewhere else.  The packed up waste will be loaded on container ships at the end of the summer season.

Waste is pre-sorted at the dorms and at the dish return area in the galley

Large cardboard receptacles around town collect the sorted waste
A similar process is followed at the base camps, which may be many miles from McMurdo
All of that collected waste is dropped of at the "Trash Hut." 
While McMurdo has a state of the art sewage treatment plant,
the base stations also bring in packaged human waste. 
Note the sign at the cowboy's knees
that suggests that human waste be delivered out in back.
The workers like to keep their work area warm, and...well you know.

Some very nice people further sort and package the waste.
Various machines help them with their job

A fork lift manages the yard out in back
until the boxes can be moved to a larger storage area.

Here it awaits the coming of a container ship to carry it all away,
where it will be neatly recycled somewhere far from here :)


  1. Very interesting, at a much smaller level but very similar is Holden Village. I hope you are going to be able to do some programs on all you've been a part of there. I put out your blog site the entire congregation here at Trinity. The confirmation youth were really interested so I hope they will check out all you have written

  2. Thanks Mitch, and to all who write. I love to read your comments.
