Mt. Erebus Lets Off a Little Steam

Monday, November 8, 2010

Awe Shucks!

This just in--For logistical reasons I'll be waiting for a while longer here at Christchurch than I expected .  I know all of you are eager to see some pictures of penquins and ice flows and stuff, but you'll have to settle for a few more pictures of New Zealand.  Fr. Dan Doyle here has promised to show me a few of the sites.  I, too, will have to settle--for living on hotel food, seeing the sites, exercising and hot-tubbing, without any particular responsibilities.  God is good!  You know what they say, "hurry up and wait."

I did pick up my Extreme Cold Weather gear today.  This is what I'll look like. It's sort of the modern version of the abominable snowman.  Actually, everyone looks like this, so nametags are important.  I'm not sure what that does for the dating scene, but that's not any of my concern. 

This is only the outer layer.  It goes much deeper.  I'm thinking I could wear something like this to any Montana football game and be toasty warm.  In fact I probably wouldn't want to cheer much--I might break into a sweat.  Bet I could do a mean "moon walk" in these.

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